Acne and Chocolate - Does Chocolate Cause Acne ?

Does eating chocolate cause acne? If you say yes, you are absolutely wrong. It is a common myth if chocolate can cause acne. For some reasons, it is blamed as a factor that causes obesity, tooth decay, and always associated with acne. But the fact is, it has a lot of benefit for your skin and for your health.

Chocolate fats are similar to sebum oil.
People associate chocolate to acne due to fats inside it. Although chocolate fats are similar to sebum oil, research found that there is no directly correlation between chocolate and acne.

Chocolate is good to reduce stress.
Chocolate boosts serotonin, a chemical in brain which gives a calming effect to a person's mind who consumes it. Eating this delicious food is also good to reduce stress, one of factor that causes acne.

Chocolate for diet plan.
the nutrition of chocolate is enough to supply one-third an adult's daily need for antioxidants. Antioxidant itself is very helpful to prevent free radicals that can cause acne. Therefore, it should be included to your diet plan in preventing acne.

Consuming chocolate is not always healthy.
However, the benefits of chocolate still depend to the kind of chocolate and amount of it you are eating. Pure chocolate is the best choice for you. Reduce or avoid consuming milk chocolate. It is not recommended because it has less cocoa and more dairy.

So far, you have read a lot about benefits of chocolate and the wrong myth about it and its correlation to acne. What are you waiting for chocolate lovers, get it now and fell its delicious taste.

Visit to discover how to cure your acne in only a couple of weeks by using natural treatments. Fast Acne Cure is the best choice for you.

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Medical Care For Acne - 3 Reasons To See A Doctor

For both adolescents and adults, acne can be an aggravating problem. There are many variations of acne and differing degrees of severity. The physical, emotional and psychological effects can be devastating, affecting an individual 's confidence, self-image and self-esteem for many years. Although several of the milder types of acne respond well to over-the-counter treatment products, more severe forms require medical attention. Acne care is vitally important regardless of the type, but it is just as vital to know when a case of acne requires a dermatologist to treat it.

Three Reasons To Consult A Physician

The decision to see a physician or dermatologist about your acne should take into account several things:

1. Is your acne causing you emotional difficulties?
2. How severe your outbreaks are.
3. If your skin seems to be scarring when the lesions heal.

There are several more reasons why it may be wise to seek professional help with your acne but these three comprise most of them. Severe acne may leave permanent scars; seeking medical help early on may help to reduce the effects of scarring. The best way to prevent scarring is, of course, to prevent acne from occurring in the first place. The right skin care regimen and possible dietary changes, are needed to control acne breakouts.

Recent studies have shown that food sensitivities may contribute to the formation of acne, such as allergies to wheat, dairy and certain fruits. One such study has shown that women consuming three or more glasses of milk per day were 22% more likely to have acne breakouts than women consuming only one glass of milk per day. This may be due to the hormones present in fresh dairy products, but some dermatologists are recommending that their patients with cystic acne avoid mild products and use alternative sources of calcium intake. The type of acne and skin type plays an important role in how acne is best treated.

If you have cystic acne, also known as nodulocystic acne, it must be treated by a physician. Do not try to treat it yourself because it can cause very painful lesions and scarring of the face, neck, back and shoulders. Cystic acne resembles small bumps or tumors, blackheads may not be present with it, sometimes the lesions fill with a combination of blood and pus, cystic pimples may involve more than one pore, and they are very deep within the skin layers. This type of acne should be treated by a dermatologist as quickly as possible, in addition, some dietary changes may be needed to decrease the outbreaks of this type of acne.

Emotional distress, such as severe anxiety, depression or social reclusiveness, are also good reasons to seek professional assistance. Severe acne sufferers feel helpless to control the situation particularly for adults due to the notion that acne should clear up once a person becomes an adult. Acne scarring has long term effects, often affecting a person's choice of occupation, social interactions and dress. A medical professional can help to restore a person's self confidence as well as helping clear up the acne.

For men, sever acne can shaving difficult. Shaving irritates pimples and lesions, may irritate existing scars and lead to further outbreaks of acne. A good razor, shaving creams and other products help to reduce the irritation and inflammation of acne, but a medical professional can also prescribe creams and medications to eliminate it.

It may be a good idea to visit a dermatologist at the outset of acne, even if you aren't sure that it is a severe form of acne. Medical advice can help in the choice of skin care products, provide assistance regarding acne care and daily routines even if prescription medications aren't required. In severe cases of acne, a physician is indispensable to help reduce the effects, treat the cause and prevent future outbreaks.

Abhishek is a Skincare expert and he has got some great Acne Prevention Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 115 Page Ebook, "How To Win Your War Against Acne!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

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Celebrity Acne Treatment Tips

So, like, ok…here’s the thing. You can’t tell anyone, ok? Like, promise that you will never EVER breathe a word to anyone for less than $5000 about what I would tell you. I once had acne. Really! Before I was the money-making, rainbow-pooping Hollywood celebrity you’ve known me to be, I, like the rest of the regular boring people, have had my face filled with pimples and pus. And, to be honest, there are days where those red thingies make their appearance once in a while. Good thing there’s Stacy (my assistant) now and she can pop it for me. What these hands touch becomes money. I tried to make money from pus, but it just doesn’t work!

Anyway, let me tell you one thing: acne is soooo hard to treat! Like, when I was living in an apartment with two other waiter-actresses, we used to have pimple-popping parties but they never work! Now that I’m a celebrity and I know better, here are a few things to do to remove your acne:

1. Hire a regular pimple popper.

Yeah, that’s the person’s only job. He/She should be by your side in the morning and help you inspect your face. Have said pimple popper carry around pimple popping paraphernalia.

2. Make one of your friends a paparazzit.

Everyone in your entourage should have a role. One should get you water, one should comb your hair a hundred times during breaks, and another one should be on the lookout for the emergence of a pimple. Said friend should be in close contact with your pimple-popper.

3. Go to the most expensive doctor just because you can.

If you’re the type who wants to stick to the good old fashioned way of going to a doctor with an actual medical degree, it’s fine. But if you want to make a statement of how different you are (like everyone else in Hollywood), go to a different kind of doctor. The stranger the cure, the better as this show how unique and ahead of the trends you are when it comes to acne treatment so you can be talked about.

4. Maintain a strict facial regimen.

OK, maybe not you but ask your assistant to schedule your facial regimen in the morning and evening. You could also get a face-washer for yourself so you don’t have to do all the soaping, rubbing, and drying yourself. Note, however, that your face should be the one that’s being washed. I tried hiring a body double for this but the treatment didn’t work.

So there you have it! Acne treatment tips from a celebrity. Don’t forget to post these on your dresser along with my picture so you’d have some motivation. If you want to, you can sell this on the internet and claim it as an expose of sorts on how I used to be ugly or something. I’d deny I wrote this, by the way. You know that’s how we make it to the headlines.

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Seven Item You Have To Know In Acne Treatment

1. Acne can also be caused by genetics.
Studies have shown that a family history of acne can affect whether you have acne and the severity of it.
2. Acne generally begins between the ages of eleven and thirteen.
This is true in both males and females due to changes in hormone levels. The oil produced by the glands is known as sebum. The hair follicles shed dead cells too quickly and the cells and sebum form a blockage in the gland.
3. Stress.
When you are stressed, the hormone cortisol is produced. Cortisol will worsen any acne you already have. To prevent stress-related acne, try relaxation and meditation.
4. Factors linked to women
Women have several factors that men don’t that can be linked to the cause of acne. Women go through several phases of life that cause their hormone levels to change. These changes can cause acne in adult women between two and seven days before their menstrual cycle.
5. Pregnancy and hormones
Pregnant women also experience a fluctuation in hormones.
Those who may have previously had little or no acne may see pimples during their pregnancy and for a time after the birth of the baby until the hormone levels return to normal.
6. Menopause and hormones
Menopause will cause changes in hormone levels for woman and can be a cause of acne. Women also tend to wear heavy makeup when experience an acne outbreak, which only worsens the problem by further clogging pores.
7. Pressure and rubbing from tight garments.
Adult with acne should avoid tight-collared shirts that might irritate the acne further. Adult athletes may notice an outbreak of acne from equipment such as backpacks or athletic helmets.

You should never pick at or squeeze a pimple, blackhead or any other blemish on your face. This can only cause more acne and possibly an infection.

When clean-up your face, keep away from harsh facial cleansers(they cause the creation of more sebum) and scrubbing your face too vigorously.

Acne treatments

Acne products normally contain benzoyl peroxide (good for killing the bacteria and possibly reducing oil production), sulfur (helps eliminate blackheads and whiteheads) and/or salicylic acid (cuts down the speed of cell lose).

Oral acne medication can help reduce both the growth of the bacteria and inflammation of glands. by: Robin Araoz (

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